


(Translated from Nepali Poem written by Bibek Dhimal)

Great unity was seen among the sons.
Eldest son carried at the front
his younger brother carried at the back
and the youngest son shared the shoulders
with his two brothers
time and again.
No funeral attendees had to carry the corpse.

While the sons carried the corpse:
-There wasn't any coldness
like seen during the division of property.
-There wasn't any dissatisfaction
like seen during the topics of nurturing and caring father.
-And there wasn't any fights
like seen when the father had to be treated(for illness).
All three brothers were equally sad
and seemed loving to the observers.

To see such a huge unity,
co-operation, and reconciliation
among his sons
A father had to climb pyre.
Original Nepali Lines written by Bibek Dhimal read as:
ठूलो एकता देखिन्थ्यो छोराहरूमा 
जेठो छोराले अगाडि बोक्यो ।
माइलो छोराले पछाडि बोक्यो ।
र कान्छो छोराले 
दाइहरुलाई काँध फेर्न सघाइरह्यो 
सघाइरह्यो  ।
अरु मलामीले लास बोक्नै परेन ।
अंशबन्डामा जस्तो वैमनस्य 
पालनपोषण, हेरचाह गर्ने कुरामा जस्तो असन्तुष्टि
र उपचार गर्ने कुरामा जस्तो हानथाप
थिएन लास बोक्ने कुरामा ।
तीनै भाइ उत्तिकै दुःखी देखिन्थे
उस्तै मायालाग्दा देखिन्थे ।
आफ्ना छोराहरूको 
यति बलियो एकता
सहकार्य र मेलमिलाप हेर्न
बाबुले चितामा चढ्नुपर्यो ।
